Non–Binary Madona


Rády bychom aktualizovaly archetyp Madony. Navracíme Madoně její divoký animistický potenciál. Ostatně aspekt neposkvrněné početí je queer, útěk z egypta zas spojujeme s tíživou skutečností uprchlíků na řeckých ostrovech. Dnešní posthumanistická Madona není symbolem porobené ženy jako nástroje moci, ale soucitnou divokou nebinární bytostí. Dnešní madonna není jen jedno tělo, ale prostředkuje vztah mezi těly lidské i mimolidské přírody.

Matka milosrdenství nedrží v ruce samopal nebo korouhev vítězství ale semeno divokých bylin, její tělo je utkané z amazonských lián. Nesnaží se ochránit staré struktury moci ale život samotný. Chceme zdůraznit ekofeministický aspekt Madony. Stále utahující se totality, vytěžování pralesa a rostoucí xenofobii a homofobii si nelze nebrat osobně. Naše těla jsou přírodou, ktera se brání, která ve vzájemném vztahu nacházejí souznění s matkou zemí.


V době kdy se konzervativní autority světa ohánějí náboženství, navracejí ženy na “jejich místo” mimo rozhodovací procesy a znásilňují celou zemi, chceme vrátit spiritualitě její vlastní hlas. Přejeme si, aby znovu mluvila za utlačované, a aby hovořili jazykem porozumění a lásky. Spolu s některými církevními proudy – ať už Leonardem Boffem, papežem Františkem, účastníky Amazonské synody nebo Clarissou Pinkolou Estés cítíme, že je Madona nyní na straně ochránců přírody. Chceme vzpomenout na ochránce lesů a pralesů, kteří při jejich obraně zemřeli – např indiánského ochránce amazonského pralesu Paula Paulina Guajajara a dalších …

Autorky konceptu: Darina Alster a Magdaléna Šipka

Realizace: Darina Alster

Grafická spolupráce: Demian Kovalov

Vystaveno v Artrooms Moravany, Slovakia 11.7.-18.9.2020

Bodies of Water

Performative lecture about inner ekology, water, emotions and nonhierarchy relationships. We all living beings on the Earth are full of water. Our bodies becames fluid and to sensitive in transformation to new forms of life as we become posthumans…

Now a days wind can flow freely in empty cities, in the ruins of our systems. Our emotions are our liquidity . Transformation from fear to love is bringing the new flow to our lives. Being kind to all living creatures including ourselves and the Earth is giving sense. On behaf of Astrida Neimanis and her posthuman feminist vision.

Project was a part of online festival of art and new media Uroboros, 15.5.2020

Woman Soil

We Are materialising White Soil as a woman body. Body Is a living archive of memories, soil contains thé layers of history. We can find any relict from past times, through which we can apropriate any old story any fairytale or mythology. We never know which gods we found. But we can always be sure that our lives will allso make one of thé layers of collective memory.

Koncept: Darina Alster, Sculptor: Tereza Trnková, Kamera: Demian Kovalov


Installation Vyzdorovlenije is collaboration with young Ukrainian artist Polina Revunenko. It is part of our studio exhibition in HYB4 gallery Prague. Vyzdorovlenije means Healing.  The reality is formed by the relationship of many independent elements. Everything that grows produces a melody. Emotions are our legacy. The healing of displaced trauma, here proceeds through the full experience of the present moment.

#darinaalster   healing  vyzdorovlenije newmagic  feministart

Desire is all that exists

Desire is all that exist was a part of three levels exhibition 30 years of emancipation, curated by Boris Ondreicka. First level tuck place in GAVU 2.10.-11.10.2019, second level tuck place in GAVU 23.10.-1.11.2019, third level tuck a place at Gallery Klementinum 26.11.-17.12.2019

#darinaalster    feministart   30yearsofemancipation  desireisallwhatexist

Inner Pressure

Inner Pressure. Dark side of woman soul. Archetype of bloody woman performed by fighting in the water with Jana Orlová, my great colleague and friend. This piece happened 26.9.2019 as a part of international performance festival Malamut, curated by Jiří Surůvka in city fountain in Ostrava


Aramaic Prayer

Aramaic prayer was my performance at international festival of performance Malamut in Ostrava. 25.9.2019 I was protesting against the situation which is happening in Mexico-USA borders. I gave names of dead refugee children, which died this summer in concentration camps at those borders, to my childrens black skin puppets. I tied those puppets to my hands and legs and I was praying old aramei Cristian prayer under the water in city fountain. It was reperformance of the protest, which das American clergy in Washington DC this summer


Theatrum Mundi 3.0

Theatrum Mundi 3.0 was a collective performance, which happenned in Veletržní pallace National Gallery Prague 27.4.2019. Theatrum mundi is a multimedia group performance experiment, that displays a model of the universe metaphoricaly as an endless circle of life, where everyone is a co-creator and introduces art as a living process, that make us what we are. the original idea of the project belongs to Darina Alster and Jana Orlová. Videoinstallations by Michal Kindernay and Pavel Havrda. Photos by Camilla Vieiria. Costumes by Recycle vintage store.

#theatrummundi#darinaalster performanceart

Tarot Lab

Tarot Lab is installed for one year in GASK Kutná Hora. It is collaborative project with Marketa Dolejšová. We connected our projects Parlour Tour (by Marketa) and Personal tarot by me.

Tarot is a neverending structure, always after number 21 becomes 0. In the same time it is Rota, circle, rotation, also the net of relationships, their sense depends on their position in between each other Tarot system is presented by 22 multimedial mobil phones, which are creating the net of communication. Entire mobiles are named by the names of the carts and theyr contents create psychological portrait of each cart. The sence of each of 21 Arcanes of the Tarot game is as complex as a human personality. It is impossible to evaluate it positive or negative, it always depends on the whole situation and circumstances. The movies are short, edited in a single movement of small performances. Frames of these movies are collected as photos, situations where time does not exist, because time inside is not continual, it is interior time of memories. The mobile phone is a singular entity, as Arcane of Tarot cards. Because of this I try to connect these two medias, coming from the past and from the future.

#personaltarot parlourtour darinaalster marketadolejsova

Radical Love

Radical Love

Interbeing. A different body, different bodies. A body as a social experiment.

Cruising bodies… Love is a collective body. The body of a relationship. The body of a community. Being together. The body of society. Love turned into capital through thermal energy.

Sexuality, polarity. Le Penis & La Vulva and other types of exotic fruit instead of a brain; the ability to agree on shared and individual games and dreaming… A body as a door to the unconscious.

Gender as an obsolete concept. Metagender. The Animus versus the Anima switching every second depending on one’s mood… Androgynous. Anima Mundi. The soul of the world. The world’s collective body. The Mother Earth’s love. Her conscious, creative people walking on the face of the Earth…

The world’s skin, the world’s neural network… The Internet as externalized autonomous thinking.

 Love revealed in online conversations…

 Free Love without borders. Love without attachment.

 Divine love and human inferiority to various idols. Animality is so liberating!

A human, an animal, a human body with an animal soul on all four, waggling hips, gulping blood. Elevation & humiliation. Hierarchy. SM games. Objectification. Reduction.

Wisdom of sexuality. Radical openness.

Love as trust in connection. Mental blocks melting in the sea of Love…

The wrathful divine face. A higher power materialized outside society as an environmental disaster. Repression of unpleasant circumstances. Dancing on a sinking ship… Extinct species and natural processes materialized in the methods of human thinking.

Growth, expansion, pounding, thawing, blowing, melting, sucking, hardening.Labouring Mother Earth. Sharp carnal sex.

Fluidity. Melting ice contemplation… The awareness of constantly melting glaciers.

Smashed political body… Which new word do we have now to use for Feminism?

#radicallove radicallovewins poetry darinaalster

How to transform Love to the capital? New word for Feminism

Two T-shirts with facebook conversations about two topics of the exhibition Radical Love. Both was my fb statements durring past six months. Can we find new word for Feminism? and How to turn love into the capital? Those t-shirts was weared by friends durring the openning and than was installed into a window of the shop near the gallery.